The European standard for all built-in solid fuel heating appliances and fireplace inserts, detailing requirements and test methods. See Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing.
This European standard specifies the requirements for design, production, construction, operating properties (efficiency and emissions), safety, manuals and labelling, including associated methods for testing solid fuel heating appliances for residential areas. This standard applies to appliances with manual stoking. Such appliances heat the areas in which they are installed. If the appliances are equipped with a boiler/heater, they are also used to heat domestic (drinking) water and/or water for central heating. In compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions, these appliances can be used to burn solid mineral fuels, peat briquettes, natural or processed wooden logs, or a combination of such fuels.
All fireplace stoves and inserts operated in the EU must unconditionally comply with this standard.